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Festival Forums description

Join David Marr at The Star Kitchen & Bar as he interviews one fabulous Festival artist each day. With characteristic wit, insight and all the strengths of a good listener, David explores the Festival experience through the eyes of its artists, delving into unmissable behind-the-scenes conversations.

THE place to be during the Festival lunch hour! This is a free event open to public.



Monday 2 March: Stelarc  (performance artist in 2020 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art: Monster Theatres

Tuesday 3 March: Samira Elagoz (writer, director and performer of Cock Cock.. Who's There?)

Wednesday 4 March: Tido Visser (Managing Director of the Netherlands Chamber Choir and creator of 150 Psalms)

Thursday 5 March: Siobhan Stagg (soprano in Requiem)

Friday 6 March: Juliet Stevenson (performer in The Doctor)

Tuesday 10 March: Lloyd Newson (conceiver, director and choreographer of Enter Achilles

Wednesday 11 March: Stuart Stratford (conductor) & Sydney Mancasola (soprano) Breaking the Waves

Thursday 12 March: William Zappa (adapter, director and performer of by The Iliad - Out Loud)

Friday 13 March: Neil Armfield & Rachel Healy (Artistic Directors of Adelaide Festival)


Event additional information