Enter Achilles
By Lloyd Newson (DV8 Physical Theatre)
Shamel Pitts & Mirelle Martins
USA & Brazil
Two bodies glowing as if made of liquid metal explore each other’s contours in the darkness. Shaved heads and naked torsos offer an intimate celebration of the body; the dance shifting from formalised patterns to uncontrolled corporeal explosions.
This mystical pair are American Shamel Pitts and Brazilian Mirelle Martins. Pitts danced with Tel Aviv’s Batsheva Dance Company for many years. He met Martins while teaching Ohad Naharin’s trademark movement language in New York. It was her first foray into dance but they became artistic partners. Pitts says it was "as if we were two different aspects of the same person."
It’s a remarkable debut: she has a riveting presence and was lauded for her “phenomenal performance” at the ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival. The collaboration has allowed Pitts to celebrate his female family role models as a gay black man growing up in Brooklyn, as well as exploring the masculine and feminine, vulnerability and power.
A unique hour of stunning physical performance from a thrilling young choreographer, featuring outstanding lighting and video mapping by the Brazilian multimedia designer Lucca del Carlo.