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Leadership description

"With restless and ungovern’d rage/why do the heathen storm?”, asks Thomas Arne (the composer of God Save the Queen) at the start of this concert which proves that threatening your Godless enemies with annihilation is a far from new diplomatic ploy. Polyphony from Byrd, Praetorius and de Wert, Wagnerian strains from Felix Draeske and James MacMillan’s hauntingly beautiful A New Song written in 1997.



Thomas Arne (1710–1778), psalm 2, Arlington

Francisco Valls (1665–1747), psalm 45, Dilexisti justitiam

William Knight  (b.1987), psalm 21 (Australian premiere)

Giaches de Wert (1535–1596), psalm 72, Reges Tharsis et insulae

Felix Draeseke(1835–1913), psalm 93, Der Herr ist König

William Byrd (c. 1543–1623), psalm 94, Domine secundum multitudinem

Michael Praetorius (1571–1621), psalm 95, Venite exsultemus Domino             

James MacMillan (b.1959), psalm 96, A new song

Johann Heinrich Rolle (1716–1785), psalm 97, Der Herr ist König

Damiano Scarabelli  (?–1598), psalm 98, Jubilate Deo

William Boyce (1711–1779), psalm 99, The Lord is King, be the people never so impatient            

Robert White (1538–1574), psalm 20, Exaudiat te Dominus

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